Reduce Your Electricity Expenses with Solar Power under the
Switch to clean and dependable solar energy with Greentek and
benefit from a subsidy of up to ₹78,000
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The PM Surya Ghar Subsidy Advantage

Save upto ₹ 78,000/-

1 Cr Homes Registered

National Online Portal

“In order to further sustainable development and people’s well-being, we are launching the
PM SURYA GHAR: MUFT BIJILI YOJANA. The project with an investment of over Rs. 75,000 crores, aims to light up 1 crore households by providing up to 300 units of free electricity per month.” - Narendra Modi

Why Go Solar with Greentek?

Save Big on
Energy Costs

Slash those constantly rising residential electricity bills. Discover the potential for near-zero electricity expenses with the perfect solar solution for your home.

Power a Greener & Sustainable Future

Make an eco-friendly decision for your household and shrink your carbon footprint. Play a part in achieving India's clean energy objectives by opting for sustainable solutions at home.

Certified Quality & Expert Support

Experience top-quality solar components and expert installation tailored for your home. Our dedicated team will support you every step of the way, guaranteeing a smooth transition to sustainable energy..

Our Clients

Your Solar Journey with Greentek

  • Step 1: Free Consultation & Assessment (We assess your energy needs)
  • Step 2: Personalised Solar Solution (Custom design based on your home)
  • Step 3: Subsidy Support & Installation (We handle paperwork and expert installation)
  • Step 4: Enjoy Savings & Clean Energy (Start seeing the benefits immediately)
solar apartment

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See What Our Clients Say

A Track Record of Excellence

Our housing society is committed to renewable energy, and the PM Surya Ghar Yojana presented an ideal opportunity to install rooftop solar panels. Greentek India’s expertise in navigating the scheme was invaluable. Their engineers impressed us with their professionalism and ensured a d installation process. Thanks to Greentek India and the government subsidy, our society is now saving on high electricity costs.

Amit Patel

Housing Society President | Hyderabad

We were interested in solar but worried it would be too complicated. Then we heard about Greentek India and the PM Surya Ghar Yojana. The installation process was quick and efficient, and now our home is powered by clean solar energy. We’re so grateful to Greentek India for making this possible. Our electricity costs are much lower, and we feel good knowing we’re doing our part for the environment.

Sunitha Devi

Independent House Owner, Hyderabad

We were hesitant about rooftop solar at first, but a friend recommended Greentek India. They’re an approved vendor for the PM Surya Ghar Yojana, which made us feel confident. Greentek handled all the paperwork for the subsidy application, saving us a lot of time and hassle. Now, our apartment runs almost entirely on solar power, and we barely pay any electricity bills anymore. Thanks, Greentek India!

Rajeev Kapoor

Apartment Resident,

Frequently Asked Questions

A suitable rooftop for solar installation typically has these characteristics:

Minimal Shading: Obstructions like trees, adjacent buildings, or rooftop features can significantly reduce solar panel efficiency.

Roof Material: Most roof materials are compatible, with concrete (RCC) being ideal for its strength and stability. A structural assessment may be necessary to ensure your roof can support the additional weight of a solar system.

Orientation: South-facing roofs are generally the best for maximum sun exposure, but other orientations can still be effective.

While a 1 kW plant may require roughly 12 square meters (120-130 sq ft) of shadow-free area, the following factors also influence the area needed:

Panel Efficiency: Higher efficiency panels require less space for the same power output.

Roof Layout: Irregular roof shapes or obstructions can impact the usable area.

To determine the ideal size, consider:

Energy Consumption: Analyze your past electricity bills to gauge your average monthly usage.

Future Needs: Do you anticipate increased energy usage due to electric vehicles or home additions?

Available Space: The size of your suitable rooftop area will put a practical limit on system size.

Responsible solar companies prioritize non-penetrative mounting techniques and ensure proper waterproofing measures to maintain roof integrity. A structural engineer can confirm your roof’s load-bearing capacity if there are concerns.

A 1 kW solar plant can generate approximately 1300 to 1500 units annually. However, factors like location, seasonal variations, and shading can cause fluctuations in the actual output.

While a solar plant with battery storage (BESS) can technically meet 100% of your needs, a hybrid approach combining solar and grid power is often recommended for larger energy demands. This ensures a reliable power supply.

ROI for solar typically ranges from 15-30%, influenced by system size and installation choices. A 10 kW system could offer significant lifetime savings (consider specifying the estimated amount to give a clearer picture).

Solar power output depends on light intensity and daylight hours. Production may be slightly lower during rainy or winter seasons but will continue as long as some sunlight is available.