Facts about solar panels

06 things Solar Panel Facts You Should Know

Greentek energy is one of the greatest environmentally friendly solutions for households, and green energy is rapidly rising in favour. A solar panel is an enclosure that houses a collection of electrically connected solar cells that use sunlight to generate electricity. While switching to solar energy offers numerous benefits, including the ability to save money and protect the environment, there may also be certain restrictions according to your home’s location and the local climate. Here are ten fundamental solar panel facts to help you learn more:

1) The idea of using solar energy is not brand-new.

Leonardo da Vinci was the first to foresee it as a possibility in the 15th century. The 19th century saw the creation of the first solar cell, however, it had a solar efficiency of just 1%.

2) Solar power is entirely renewable and cost-free.

You won’t have to pay anything for the electricity the solar panels generate once the initial fees are paid. Utilizing solar energy can also help you lower your carbon footprint because it is completely renewable and green.

Users of solar energy annually save 35 million tonnes of carbon dioxide and 75 million barrels of oil. Additionally, the sun may provide a tremendous quantity of power: the Earth receives more energy from the sun in only one hour than it would use in a whole year.

3) What material do they have?

Solar cells sometimes referred to as photovoltaic cells, used in solar panels are semiconductors (such as silicon) that convert light from the sun into electricity. Electricity is produced when light strikes the cells, causing the electrons to become freed from their atoms and travel through the cell.

Nowadays, solar cells contained in domestic installations can convert around 20% of the sunlight they receive into electricity, while some commercial systems can reach 40% of the so-called solar efficiency. However, technology is advancing fast and solar efficiency is expected to grow accordingly, while prices drop.

4) There are two types of solar panels

Photovoltaic (solar PV) panels convert sunlight into electricity, while solar thermal panels heat water by absorbing the sun’s warmth, and can be used to heat homes or swimming pools.

5) The initial cost

The cost of installing solar panels is not to be overestimated, because even though prices are high the payback period is quite short due to the savings on electricity bills and government aid. Homes equipped with solar panels sell faster and at a higher price than those without.

6) Maintenance

Once installed, almost no solar panel maintenance is required. You will only have to make sure they’re clean and not shaded by anything. A tilted roof will require less cleaning since rain helps remove dirt. Additionally, solar panels have a very long lifespan. They carry a standard 25-year warranty 

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